A few more important details on Russian hypersonic vehicles, particularly in light of their operational employment in Ukraine. • They are given by a much appreciated if little known expert, the retired Croatian Admiral Davorin Domazet. • Each new approach to the phenomenon confirms its fantastic importance from a strategic point of view at the highest level, and the dramatic delay of Westerners, led by the USA. • For Domazet, the latest strike in Ukraine says: “We can sink ALL your aircraft carriers at once ».

Let’s look at a text by Alex Crainer, from the site TrendCompass, this text taken up for the occasion by ZeroHedge.com. We don’t know Crainer particularly well, but he comes in to tell us about a specialist (little known to the Western media world, and that’s a good sign), retired Croatian Admiral Davorin Domazet. Crainer confides to us that he considers Domazet to be one of the best specialists in technical matters of armaments and technologism, and he compares him to the Russian Andrei Martianov. Like him, says Crainer, he exhibits a great knowledge of advanced mathematics and the science of probability.

« Like Martyanov, he insists that it is impossible to prevail in modern warfare without a thorough knowledge of advanced mathematics and probability. More importantly, he has perhaps the clearest understanding of the general historical context of the current clash between Russia and Western powers..”

Obviously, Crainer is impressed by the historical, symbolic and even esoteric context in which it is important, according to Domazet, to place the current conflict which we classify under the name of ” Ukrisis “. The details given by Crainer, based on an interview with Domazet, are particularly – at the same time original, exotic and finally, in the extraordinary context in which we operate, just as credible as the simulacra with which the System press pours out on us.

Here are the details, which you have no chance of hearing quoted in “the interviews of LCI » or in « the columns of the World » ; you will have to admit that they are exhilarating – we mean exhilarating to the hypothetical imagination – compared to the intensity and the appeal to extrahuman subjectivity that the events in progress suggest to us:

« Domazet is the only military analyst I know who considers the history of the Western financial oligarchy, its Venetian roots, its migration to Amsterdam where it formed the Dutch Empire, and its subsequent move to London which , to this day, remains the ideological and spiritual seat of the zombified British Empire.

He correctly referred to the enemy of mankind as« western occult oligarchy » and even called the war in Ukraine a clash between Christ and the Antichrist, pointing out that the Antichrist is in the West. Croatia is a NATO member state and is, like Poland, a Slavic Catholic nation, even sharing some of its cultural Russophobia (though not as rabid in Croatia as it is in Poland). »

But what essentially interests us is one of the military and technical subjects tackled by the Admiral and taken up by Crainer. This is the field of hypersonic weapons, which Admiral Domazet considers to constitute a formidable strategic revolution and that Russia occupies an indisputable number one position in it, giving it a strategic position in the equation of the balance of forces. (The sightings of Admiral Domazet that Crainer reports come from a March 17 Serbo-Croatian interview on the channel Project Velebit.)

Hypersonic Power

We have widely reported the events – acts, facts & circumstances – that accompanied Putin’s revelation of Russia’s advancement in this new field of armaments. This brings us back to March 2018 – five years already, during which the powers of the “Western-collective” have not been too stoned on the subject, contenting themselves above all with dissecting the innumerable doubts they raise around Russian declarations. , or even acts themselves.

We find on several texts of the period the first data of this event, for example the March 8, 2018March 11, 2018March 22, 20187th May 201825th May 2018, etc., – all these texts from the beginning of this affair marked by these questions about the spirit of adaptability and innovation of Western-collectives, of which we obviously know – today more than ever – the answers :

• But how did they get left behind in this way?

• But why didn’t they see it coming?

• But how do they intend to react apart from repeating “It’s another joke of the ‘Russiagate‘”?

« The term « hypersonic » refers to missiles that fly at a speed of 5 Mach and above. At the time, many Westerners dismissed Putin’s claims and thought it was a bluff. We know today that he was not bluffing. Russia is the only country in the world to have hypersonic missiles already deployed and operational, – not one but three types: the « Zircon »« Kinzhal » and« Vanguard ».”

Domazet’s conception is that tanks were the technology that decisively turned World War I around, with the air force taking on this role for World War II. In particular, the groups of attack aircraft carriers, carrying an air fleet of attack on the seas, constituted an irresistible offensive system, which reigned since… Today, he estimates, great change: it is the hypersonic which upsets the equation of strategy and the balance of forces, – which renders all these weapons obsolete and useless, – and of course, and precisely, and how! – attack aircraft carriers…

Domazet’s current conception is that two main fronts are identified in the strategic face-to-face between Russia and the USA. Domazet only takes into account the defensive aspect because the problem it addresses is that of “defense” (impossible against hypersonics). It does not specify, for example, that the NATO/US ABM batteries on the Russian border have the capability to also fire offensive land-to-land missiles, which is a matter of extreme concern to the Russians and of these batteries prime targets for Russian hypersonics.

In the meantime, here are the two defensive axes identified by Domazet. But these axes play no role in the “defense” against hypersonics due to incapacities (especially on the US side, anti-hypersonic defense work is already underway on the Russian side),
1) to identify and target the hypersonics operating in maximum avoidance maneuver mode;
2) above all, to do anything in front of hypersonic speeds making interception impossible.

This classification of Domazet remains very summary, – but it does not matter for our purpose which concerns only the hypersonic.

« According to Admiral Domazet, the main military front in the current world conflict is the anti-ballistic batteries (ABM) that the United States has installed on the Poland-Romania axis and the Russians on the North Pole-Kaliningrad- Crimea-Syria. These are defensive systems, designed to intercept approaching nuclear missiles. However, current ABM systems are only effective against missiles flying at speeds up to mach 3,5 (3,5 times the speed of sound).”

The ” Kinzhal ” in Ukraine

Domazet’s details on the actual operational employment of hypersonics are known by many other sources (including official ones), but not in detail. The missile ” Kinzhal “, generally drawn from MiG-31, is the weapon used in Ukraine, at least on three occasions. Its maximum hypersonic flight speed capability is between Mach 12 and Mach 15 (approximately, between 16 and 000 km/h). We understand that no defense is currently conceivable and consequently the impunity of the ” Kinzhal » is totalThe interest of Domazet’s statements is that it provides details on two of the three (at least) interventions of these missiles in Ukraine

• On the first strike

It had already been widely reported that a hypersonic missile ” Kinzhal had been used at the start of the war. It was truly an operational demonstration of the machine and the capabilities of the hypersonic, made almost a month to the day after the start of the Russian attack. The details given by the admiral are impressive and confirm the tremendous striking capabilities of the machine at full speed at the moment of impact.

« Three times heavier and almost twelve times faster than the [standard US cruise missile] Tomahawk, the Kinzhal has over 3×122 = 432 times the cruising kinetic energy of a Tomahawk missile (~17,3 gigajoules, equivalent to 4100 kg of TNT explosive energy).”

The circumstances described by Admiral Domazet are notably different from those described when the attack took place.

« The first Kinzhal strike, carried out a month after the start of hostilities in Ukraine, was arguably the most significant: Russian forces targeted a major weapons depot in Ukraine, built to withstand a nuclear strike. It was buried 170 meters underground and protected by several layers of reinforced concrete.

« The Kinzhal flies at an altitude of between 20 and 40 km, with a maximum range of 2000 km. Once above the target, it dives perpendicularly and accelerates to 15 mach, thus accumulating enormous kinetic energy in addition to its explosive charge. This first strike with a single Kinzhal missile destroyed Ukraine’s nuclear-proof underground weapons depot. It was a message for the West.”

• Sink ALL US aircraft carriers

Domazet recalls that the ” Kinzhal was developed especially for the express purpose of destroying carrier strike groups. Just as it is capable of destroying an underground armored storage warehouse designed to withstand a nuclear strike, it can pierce an aircraft carrier, according to Domazet’s image, ” like a hot knife in butter “. The power of the strike can break a 90 ton aircraft carrier in two, front to back, and thus destroy it completely.

Domazet dwells much more on the third strike (another previous strike was for a single “ Kinzhal ), which involved, two weeks ago, the shooting of six “ Kinzhal in a single strike offensive of 70-80 missiles.

« According to Admiral Domazet, neither the Western powers nor China are close to having weapons of this type. He explained that the critical problem with hypersonic weapons is the extreme temperatures reached on the surface of the missiles during hypersonic flights, which can lead to the missiles breaking off in mid-flight. Russia is the only nation to have developed special materials that allow missiles to withstand this stress, so their flight can be controlled throughout their trajectory and delivered with high precision.

« Western intelligence services estimate that Russia had around XNUMX « Kinzhal » at the start of the war in Ukraine and that it has only used nine so far. Last week she shot six « Kinzhal » in a single burst. This was also a message. Here’s how Domazet explains it: The United States has 11 carrier strike groups. Less than half are active at any given time (while others are docked for maintenance or in preparation). shoot six « Kinzhal » at once, that is to say, in military language, that we have the capacity to sink ALL your aircraft carriers at once.

• Dark future

The last details given by Admiral Domazet relate to Russian capabilities and the future, with a “solidarity West” completely distanced and which seems unable to respond seriously to the Russian advance. This can also be conceived and explained when one is busy enough to collapse. In any case, the description given by Domazet clearly confirms that with hypersonics we have of a new level in the escalation, without the need to switch immediately to nuclear power.

Russia has the capacity to build around 200 a year and now has the means to deliver them anywhere, from planes, ships and submarines. In addition to destroying aircraft carriers, they can also destroy NATO ABM missile sites. In summary, Russia has – so far – won the arms race.

It could take the Western powers a decade or more to catch up, and until then the only way to avoid losing the war is to either concede defeat and accept Russia’s security demands or to escalate the conflict to a nuclear exchange.

Source: reseauinternational

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