Author: Goga Akhalkatsi

MP Khatia Dekanoidze announced on TV “Pirveli” that she will leave the “United National Movement” and the parliamentary faction. Dekanoidze did not name a specific date when it will be officially signed, however, she spoke in detail about the reasons why she had decided to leave the party. Dekanoidze formulated the reasons for leaving the party in several points: “I have differences with the leadership in my party. The first thing that came out was that it was just a matter of boycott. Of course, I had very a different position on the boycott. What does boycott mean? – You…

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We want to see Georgia in the European Union, we want Georgians to enrich the European Union, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said at a briefing after meeting with the Georgian Foreign Minister. As the Minister noted, Georgia has friends in Brussels and Berlin whom it can count on. “Thank you very much for this friendly reception in Tbilisi. Germany has great interest in Georgia, its people, history, amazing nature and cuisine. The interest is proved by the increase in the number of German tourists who want to come to Georgia. For people, khinkali and khachapuri are no longer foreign…

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There will be those debtors who were obliged to pay the debt by court decisions, but they did not begin to pay the due amounts within three months after the entry into force of the court decision. The Government of Tajikistan has approved the procedure for maintaining the Unified State Register of Debtors. The corresponding resolution with the text of the Procedure is published on the portal of legal information of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan. The need to maintain the Unified State Register of Debtors is explained by “debt settlement and prevention of its negative consequences.” The introduction…

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The world’s largest crypto exchange Binance continues to expand its global reach after establishing a new blockchain center in Georgia. On March 26, the company announced the opening of its brand new regional office in the country , aiming to further promote the adoption of crypto-asset trading locally and to attract and train the best local talent in the sector. In addition, Binance plans to open dozens more jobs by the end of the year. According to the announcement issued by the company, 25 people are currently employed in the division of the crypto exchange in Georgia , who cooperate with the local public and private sector to…

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Photo: Formula55 On the eve of the celebration of the spring holiday of Navruz, an open sports competition in freestyle wrestling (gushting) was held in the hall of the Amphitheater of the city of Kulyab. This tournament was organized and held under the auspices of the First National Betting Company “Formula55”. The leadership of the Executive Power of the city of Kulyab and the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Tajikistan also took part. We would like to note that in this open national tournament in freestyle wrestling (gushting), more than 100 athletes showed very interesting performances, including girls. The…

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It was an unpredictable, beautiful emotion. The Welcome to Georgia Award (WtGA) is given to those who work in tourism. Quite apart from the fact that I am not directly involved in tourism, I believe that the link between blue economy growth and more stable and healthy tourism, and youth participation in that, is significant. The Welcome to Georgia Award’s main goal is to express gratitude to those who get Georgia’s voice heard around the world, and to say “Welcome to Georgia.” During the past 10 years, I have been able to promote my country worldwide just by participating in…

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The Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) intends to invest at least $400 million in the water and energy complex of Central Asia in the next three years, Nikolai Podguzov, Chairman of the Board of the EDB, said at the UN conference on water resources in New York on March 23, the press service reports . bank . “According to our current medium-term strategy, we consider the water and energy complex of Central Asia to be one of the main priorities of the bank. According to EDB estimates, the successful solution of existing problems in this area can lead to an additional increase in regional…

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According to preliminary information from the CoES, as a result of a natural disaster on March 23, three residents of the Gorno-Matchinsky district received minor injuries, including 2 men and 1 woman. 14 cattle, 52 sheep and 2 horses died. On March 23, 2023, two earthquakes were registered on the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan. The first happened at 1:07 local time. The epicenter of the earthquake was registered 6-7 km from the village of Paldorak, Langar rural jamoat, Gorno-Mastchinsky district, Sughd region. The strength of the tremors in the epicenter was 5-6 points, in the Rasht district 4-5 points, in the…

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Kazakhstan rose from 88th to 79th place out of 121 countries in the 2023 Global Soft Power Index by Brand Finance, the world’s leading independent brand valuation and strategy consultancy, according to the company’s report The ranking was announced on March 2 at Brand Finance’s Global Soft Power Summit in London, where delegates discussed the role of soft power in international politics and business. “This annual report into Soft Power covers the ability to influence others through attraction or persuasion rather than coercion. It encompasses a wide range of tools, including business and trade, governance, international relations, culture and heritage, media and…

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On 15 February, the European Parliament expressed its grave concerns about the deteriorating health of former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, who has been detained in his home country since October 2021. While noting reports of his dramatic weight loss and suggestions that he might have suffered from heavy metal poisoning while in detention, members of the European Parliament (MEPs) call on the Georgian authorities to release Saakashvili and allow him to receive proper medical treatment abroad. They also urge current President Salome Zourabishvili to use her constitutional right to pardon him. This would also reduce the political polarisation in the…

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