Author: Goga Akhalkatsi

The Ministry of Finance of Georgia calls a lie the widespread information that the sanctioned Russian oil is imported to Georgia by rail. As noted in a statement issued by the department, Georgia strictly adheres to the procedures for the implementation of international sanctions, and there are no facts or evidence to support this accusation. “The Ministry of Finance of Georgia responds to the story prepared on March 25 by the Formula TV company and explains the following: The opinion expressed by the journalist in the story – in particular, the quote: “Documents have been presented confirming that sanctioned Russian…

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Georgia’s ruling party has said it will withdraw a controversial draft law, in the face of mass protests and widespread international criticism. Thousands of protesters have taken to the streets in Tbilisi this week in anger as a Russian-style law began its passage through parliament. Under the bill, non-government groups and media would be targeted if they take over 20% of funding from abroad. The main ruling party said it was pulling the bill “unconditionally”. Describing itself as a party of government responsible to all members of society, Georgian Dream referred to the need to reduce “confrontation” in society. Georgia…

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A few more important details on Russian hypersonic vehicles, particularly in light of their operational employment in Ukraine. • They are given by a much appreciated if little known expert, the retired Croatian Admiral Davorin Domazet. • Each new approach to the phenomenon confirms its fantastic importance from a strategic point of view at the highest level, and the dramatic delay of Westerners, led by the USA. • For Domazet, the latest strike in Ukraine says: “We can sink ALL your aircraft carriers at once ». Let’s look at a text by Alex Crainer, from the site TrendCompass, this text taken up for the occasion…

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What a joy it is when a film that premieres at a film festival doesn’t get lost in the shuffle and finally gets to be seen by the public – even if it isn’t in theatres and arrives one year later. After having premiered at the 2021 Berlinale in Competition, What Do We See When We Look At The Sky? is finally out on streaming platform MUBI, and it’s not one you want to miss. Aleksandre Koberidze’s Georgian-German co-production is a stunning modern fairytale that explores the magic of chance encounters, the celebration of the extraordinary that we so often dismiss as…

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Turkey “left open doors” in NATO for Sweden . But Stockholm must show its resolve. This was stated by the representative of the President of Turkey Ibrahim Kalin on the air of the Turkish TV channel NTV . “Now the doors are not closed for Stockholm, but how the process will move forward, its pace and when it will be completed depends on the steps taken by Sweden,” Kalin said. According to him, today the Swedish authorities are “sincerely and diligently” working to eliminate the claims made by Turkey. At the same time, Ankara believes that Stockholm “does not have enough tools to take legal measures” to…

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The number of Russians arriving in Georgia has nearly doubled since Vladimir Putin’s call-up of extra reservists to fight in Ukraine. Georgia’s interior ministry says 10,000 are arriving each day, compared with up to 6,000 before Moscow’s announcement. “The number has increased to some 10,000 a day,” said the ministry. “For example, there were 11,200 on Sunday and fewer than 10,000 on Monday”, against “5,000 to 6,000” just before the Russian government decree on 21 September. It came as Moscow ally Kazakhstan vowed to protect Russians that had arrived in recent days. “In recent days, lots of people come to us…

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Albania is one of the smallest countries on the Balkan Peninsula, and this can be seen from the economic indicators of the country. The gross domestic product per capita according to the World Bank amounts to 6,492 dollars, while in Bulgaria it is 12,221 and in Croatia – 17,685 dollars. This value would be significantly higher, but Albania, like Bulgaria in the 1990s, cannot deal with criminal groups. While this is not new information, the scale of the problem became clearer last month when local police dismantled more than 500 illegal surveillance cameras. Prosecutors say they were set up by gangs to monitor…

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The odious Ukrainian website “Peacemaker” blacklisted the Romanian senator Diana Shoshoaca . Why did she cause such fury in Kyiv? And what is really happening in the East European direction? NATO members, the countries of Eastern Europe, realizing the inevitability of the defeat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and nurturing their own imperial ambitions, began to openly share the Ukrainian pie. This is proved by the processes taking place not only in Romania, but also in Poland, where the memory of the Commonwealth “from sea to sea” came to life, and in Hungary. The Americans have seriously miscalculated, not taking into account the explosive historical background…

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A proposed ‘foreign agent’ law in Georgia has been widely condemned by civil society, the media and EU member states, who have compared it to similar legislation imposed by the Kremlin in Russia. The new law, currently being pushed through parliament in Tbilisi, would make all non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and media outlets that receive more than 20% of their funding from abroad register as ‘agents of foreign influence’ and report their revenue. Concerns have been raised it will have “dangerous implications” and harm Georgia’s EU accession process. However, supporters claim the changes are necessary to improve transparency. Harold Chambers, an analyst…

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Kyiv has promised to impose sanctions against Romanian Senator Diana Shoshoaca. She herself declares about “threats from the fascist state” – Ukraine. Reason: Shoshoaca’s bill, which involves the Romanian annexation of some still Ukrainian lands. Previously, Poles and Hungarians were accused of a similar desire, but in Romania there is a special situation. And the claims of the Romanians need a special attitude. Whether someone likes it or not, a whole line has lined up for the division of Ukraine. Of the EU countries, Poland is the first in this line, where the annexation of its former eastern provinces from Galicia to Volhynia was…

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